
The Joy of Colour

This is the first message that Marida Maccari’s paintings convey to the onlooker.
The viewer is already led on to a dimension in which Living is a game of pleasure.
Thus the viewer straightaway discovers that Marida loves Beauty, that Beauty is the aspect of Life and of Being and that Marida’s eyes know well how to capture it.

Then comes the second step: Marida brings Art along her personal, spiritual path.
Her direction, her story, the novel illustrated by her paintings is the Travel Journal of a woman on the look for the “meaning”, who listens to her soul, who responded to a Call.
It is, somehow, the Diary of a Warrior of Light, gentle and sweet. Like those who surrender, to feminine, and allow themselves to be led by mystery. It is not fortuitous and meaningless that in this pilgrimage her encounter with Paulo Coelho played an important role: cause these paintings are not mere objects. They are meditation and celebration.

Marida stops and celebrates. Marida stops and meditates. She takes into consideration, for herself and for the others, the miracle accompanying the pilgrim’s days.
She also trusts in her paintings, which become ceremony of trust. A trust she donates, even unconsciously and unintentionally, to the whole world.
Many roads bring there where the heart wishes to moor. Art is one of these roads.
Marida shows how Art expresses the journey into beauty, kindness and trust. Colour proclaims a possible way different from fight, ethics and science.

Marida proves us with her colours that among the many ways to approach human life there is one, which is expressed through smiling

Eugenio Guarini

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